Frequently Asked Questions

What are Arrival and Departure times?

Arrival time is 3:00 p.m. C.S.T. Departure time is 10:00 a.m. C.S.T

Can I have an early arrival or late departure time?

Occasionally we can offer either an early arrival or late departure time. In the event the option is available, there is a $60.00 charge for either early arrival or late departure.

Can I bring a pet?

Most rental properties prohibit pets; however, we do manage a limited number of pet friendly properties. Properties allowing pets are subject to an additional charge. **Note: Evidence of a pet in a Non-Pet Friendly Property will result in IMMEDIATE EVICTION and forfeiture of rent.

How do I check-in?

Each property either has a coded deadbolt or a lockbox for easy arrival. You are welcome to arrive to your reserved unit anytime after your specified arrival time without having the hassle of checking in at our office.

Do you offer travel insurance?

Yes! Travel Insurance is optional through CSA Travel Insurance. The insurance charge is a percentage (6.95%) of your reservation.

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